One of the few later-era productions by the legendary Wakefield Poole (Boys in the Sand), this long-unavailable narrative feature tells the first part of a continuing saga about an aspiring model (Steve Kaye of Poole's Split Image) and a struggling actor (David Dodge) who meet at NYC's Glory Hole Bar, become lovers, and decide to work as escorts. They quickly find an array of clients – including sexy businessman Steve Collins (Non-Stop) and a Broadway director – and hire a more seasoned escort (Jesse Fairweather), who shares stories from the job (illustrated by erotic images of him with Maya, a recent trans woman client) before sleeping with our leading duo. Written & directed by Poole and produced by the legendary Frank Ross, who also served as one of the movie's camera operators & editors. Review from Bijou's '80s/'90s print catalog: "[A] well-made, sensual movie... It's the kissing, sucking, and fucking by this sexy cast - the way it is done and filmed - that makes this movie so erotic... Poole doesn't rely solely on big cocks for sexual thrills; he excites us instead with an eager cast who love what they're doing."
The Hustlers David Dodge , Eddie LaRosa 07/18/2023 One of the few later-era productions by the legendary Wakefield Poole (Boys in the Sand), this long-unavailable narrative feature tells the first part of a continuing saga about an aspiring model (Steve Kaye of Poole's Split Image) and a struggling actor (David Dodge) who meet at NYC's Glory Hole Bar,...