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DVDs / Black Jacks

Avg Rating: 5.0

Studio: Bijou
Directed By: Edward Lee (aka Gino Colbert)
Release Date: 01-07-1989
Description: This Gino Colbert-produced, Edward Lee-directed video presents excellent performances and production values as it showcases a mostly black cast. The story focuses on Ty Jones, as Andy, striving to get his homemade sweet potato cookies marketed. Thanks to his we'll-do-anything-to-help friends, though, Ty is sure to succeed!
Length: 68

Scenes From Black Jacks

Black Jacks
Ebony Ayes , Gene LaMar
This Gino Colbert-produced, Edward Lee-directed video presents excellent performances and production values as it showcases a mostly black cast. The story focuses on Ty Jones, as Andy, striving to get his homemade sweet potato cookies marketed. Thanks to his we'll-do-anything-to-help friends, though,...

Tags: 1980s Black Blowjobs Love